Knit Twitter Feed
I've stumbled across something so amazing, so magnificent, that I had to share it with you immediately. (Thanks for the link, Rochelle!)
Knitterstream is a data visualisation project that believes all that online chatter shouldn't disappear. So they took tweets and turned them into knit fabric in real time. OMG.
Not only have they made something amazing with a knitting machine, it's a great reminder that what we do everyday may seem a little mundane, a little dull, but it is ours. That in itself makes it special. And we're knitters: we make special things from long bits of pretty string and pieces of wood. Incredible. We create, we make, we produce. And thanks to this, we are part of a great community of knitters.
Best of all: anyone can join us :)
Have a great weekend, everyone.
Lisa said:
Glorious. It has this crafty and productive geek dancing a wee jig of glee.
Amber said:
That’s so awesome!!